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Benny Stylez . Owner of 16Barz

onwer of Awesome Sneakers Shop

Having been exposed to a lot of different things in life from music to fashion I felt a great opportunity to combine these experiences and share with the world what I thought would be important and appealing to others with the same Style and mindset with fashion and music


my aim is to is to expose the best of the best threads and signed and unsigned talent through my eyes to your home.


the hip hop community is one big family at the end of the day. we all have gifts and talents we are all unique but we all have a love and a passion for the same thing.. I hope I can share a bit of me and my life with you all

Perth Dubb city Australind

W.A Australia 6233

Tel: 0467875090



Australia   Bunbreezy 6233

lowkoolcrew on facebook

Tel: 0467875090


Monday - Friday: 11.00 - 18.30


Saturday: 11.00 - 17.00


Sunday: closed

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